WVU Baseball Derek Clark Front

West Virginia pitcher Derek Clark sidearms to the plate

When Penn State canceled Wednesday’s home baseball game against WVU, it left the Mountaineers three contests short of the maximum allowable 56 in the regular season. The Mountaineers do have one schedule slot open on May 14 for a potential addition, but even if a game is played there, the Mountaineers still will be missing two chances to add wins to their slate.

That could be important in terms of NCAA selections, but for now WVU seems o.k. in that regard — so long as it can continue to stay in the upper reaches of the Big 12 standings and avoid sweeps or multiple series losses. West Virginia is currently projected as a No. 2 or No. 3 seed by most observers, and if the Mountaineers hold onto a mid-30s RPI and are a couple of games over .500 in the league, those should hold.

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